Of course, this is somewhat subjective, but here’s a rundown of what’s going on in the vineyard throughout the year:
April – bud break is usually early in the month, and typically by the end of the month the green shoots are 10-12” long.
May – the vines are all green and filled in.
June through July – the vineyard is full and lush. Green grapes will appear in July.
August – the grapes will go through veraison, meaning they will change color from green to dark purple.
September – the green leaves may start to show some fall colors of yellows and red. The grapes may be harvested toward the end of the month.
October – the leaves will continue to turn to fall colors. If harvest hasn’t happened in September, it will happen in the first week or two of October.
November – beautiful fall colors.
December – March – the vines have no leaves.